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  • What age can my child play soccer?
    Children can start playing at Armadale the year they are turning 5. We call this age group Bantams and they play and train on the same day. They will have a 30 minute training session followed by a 20 minute game. They will play in small groups at our Morgan Park Oval. Children turning 6 and 7 play in what Football West call Clusters. Cluster will train once a week and Play at Morgan Park in a Round Robin tournament. Children between the ages 8 and 11 play in the Miniroos League. They will train once or twice a week At Morgan Park and play in the surrounding clubs. Half the games will be played at Morgan Park and you will travel to other clubs. Over the age of 12 our teams are graded and play Divisions. Teams may travel all over Perth. They play in the Junior Boys League.
  • What is the off-side rule and what age group does it occur?
    1. Offside position It is not an offence to be in an offside position. A player is in an offside position if: •Any part of the head, body or feet is in the opponents’ half (excluding the halfway line) and •Any part of the head, body or feet is nearer to the opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent The hands and arms of all players, including the goalkeepers, are not considered. A player is not in an offside position if level with the: • second-last opponent or • last two opponents 2. Offside offence A player in an offside position at the moment the ball is played or touched by a team-mate is only penalised on becoming involved in active play by:interfering with play by playing or touching a ball passed or touched by a team-mate or interfering with an opponent by: preventing an opponent from playing or being able to play the ball by clearly obstructing the opponent’s line of vision or challenging an opponent for the ball orclearly attempting to play a ball which is close to him when this action impacts on an opponent or making an obvious action which clearly impacts on the ability of an opponent to play the ball or gaining an advantage by playing the ball or interfering with an opponent when it has: rebounded or been deflected off the goalpost, crossbar, match official or an opponent been deliberately saved by any opponent A player in an offside position receiving the ball from an opponent who deliberately plays the ball (except a deliberate save by any opponent) is not considered to have gained an advantage. A ‘save’ is when a player stops or attempts to stop, a ball which is going into or very close to the goal with any part of the body except the hands/arms (unless the goalkeeper within the penalty area). In situations where: • A player moving from, or standing in, an offside position is in the way of an opponent and interferes with the movement of the opponent towards the ball this is an offside offence if it impacts on the ability of the opponent to play or challenge for the ball; if the player moves into the way of an opponent and impedes the opponent’s progress (e.g. blocks the opponent) the offence should be penalised under Law 12. • A player in an offside position is moving towards the ball with the intention of playing the ball and is fouled before playing or attempting to play the ball or challenging an opponent for the ball, the foul is penalised as it has occurred before the offside offence • An offence is committed against a player in an offside position who is already playing or attempting to play the ball or challenging an opponent for the ball, the offside offence is penalised as it has occurred before the foul challenge 3. No offence There is no offside offence if a player receives the ball directly from • A goal kick • A throw-in • A corner kick 4. Offences and sanctions If an offside offence occurs, the referee awards an indirect free kick where the offence occurred, including if it is in the player’s own half of the field of play. A defending player who leaves the field of play without the referee’s permission shall be considered to be on the goal line or touchline for the purposes of offside until the next stoppage in play or until the defending team has played the ball towards the halfway line and it is outside their penalty area. If the player left the field of play deliberately, the player must be cautioned when the ball is next out of play. An attacking player may step or stay off the field of play not to be involved in active play. If the player re-enters from the goal line and becomes involved in play before the next stoppage in play or the defending team has played the ball towards the halfway line and it is outside their penalty area, the player shall be considered to be positioned on the goal line for the purposes of offside. A player who deliberately leaves the field of play and re-enters without the referee’s permission and is not penalised for offside and gains an advantage must be cautioned. If an attacking player remains stationary between the goalposts and inside the goal as the ball enters the goal, a goal must be awarded unless the player commits an offside offence or Law 12 offence in which case play is restarted with an indirect or direct free kick.
  • Where do I find the rules to play soccer?
    Football Wests website is the first point of call to find the rules of the game. Below is the link to the laws of the game.
  • What does my child need to bring to soccer?
    Children need to bring their Soccer boots and shin pads. NO SHIN PADS NO PLAY!!! It is preferred that they wear the Armadale training kit ( available from the club) They need to have plenty of drinking water. On game days they will need to wear Black game shorts Armadale game socks and wear their training shirt to the game and the club will provide the game shirts for the season.
  • When does the soccer season start?
    The soccer season starts for Senior NPL in February Junior NPL in March Junior and senior Metros start in April. Training will start when coaches are available.
  • Where can I find game locations and times?
    All locations and times can be found on the Football West website. PLEASE NOTE these are subject to chagne without any notice. Please Check Saturday Afternoon for confirmation of your child's game and time.
  • Who and What is the Technical Director
    We would like to welcome Eddie Garrido, who has been appointed the NPL Technical Director for 2018 season. Eddie’s football experience as a player, coach and eight years knowledge of local talent within Armadale Soccer Club, makes him the appropriate football person to achieve coaches and junior player development. Having a good working relationship and similar philosophy with first team coach John O’Reilly and the senior coaching staff, will create a strong pathway for juniors to progress into senior football. In 2012 Eddie created academies and school holiday clinics, he was also the founder of the Futsal academy within the club, Eddie is a strong believer in community player development and will work with the juniors to build what is needed to achieve development. Eddie is committed to create a 5-year plan for the club and looks forward to work in what he is most passionate about…football.
  • What is the National Premier League (NPL)
    The National Premier Leagues is a national soccer competition in Australia which acts as the second tier of the sport in the country below the A-League
  • How does the committee work?
    Our Committee is made up of volunteers who nominate at the Annual General Meeting. We have two sub committees they oversee our Juniors at Morgan Park and our NPL Leagues. They have a chair man administrators and a variety of roles that assist the club. The committee meets on the first Monday night of the month at Alfred Skeet.
  • Do members have to Volunteer and how can I?
    We are a club that runs on volunteers. From the President to the line marker. Games can only take place with the assistance of helpers. Games require Coaches, Team managers, canteen helpers, nets set up, half time fruit and many more... We ask all parents take note on enrollment that we will be requiring them to help out during the season in some way.
  • Does your club use Social Media?
    Our club has Facebook, Instagram, Website, Armadale Soccer App and twitter. We have a Social Media Team and a Social Media Coordinator. They over see the running of the various formats. Which you can reach by going to the Home Page
  • Does your club provide other activities?
    Yes we do! we provide many other activites to do with soccer and skills development. The club Provides additional training for Juniors know as the Skills Acquisition Program (SAP) - 8 years to 11 years Junior Indoor Football- Game Training (12 years and over) 7 A side Senior Competion - during off season
  • What Social events does your club hold?
    We have several events throughout the year. We have our annual Quiz night. Keep an eye out on Facebook for up and coming events
  • Where is the best place to get up to date information for the Club?
    Enter your answer here
  • Why are there two Home Grounds?
    We have two grounds, our Junior Ground is at Morgan Park ( Ironcap Place Armadale) Our seniors are located at Alfred Skeet (Armadale Road Forrestdale) . Morgan Park has canteen facilities and 3 large pitches and several smaller pitches. Alfred Skeet has both canteen and Bar facilities.

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  • Facebook - Armadale Soccer Club
  • Instagram - Armadale Soccer Club
  • Twitter - Black Circle
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